Our role? to be the bridge that connects OK OCE – a micro-entrepreur focused foundation in Indonesia, to 15 year of cutting-edge ocean science from Stanford’s Palumbi Lab.
The goal is to transform proven scientific concepts into sustainable business models that operate village-by-village, island-by-island, to restore the coral reefs of Indonesia, and support the lives of the people that live there.
This collaboration for a good cause, will unite science, culture, government and business. We think it will become a scalable model that can be exported put to work wherever coral can thrive.
The climate is changing and the ocean is warming.
Much of the world’s coral is at risk of disappearing.
But there’s hope. Dedicated teams are working on solutions.
The Palumbi lab has developed, experiment with and tested a method to identify heat-resistant coral, coral that can survive in a warmer ocean.
Plus, it can be done with relatively simple equipment, out in the real world of an island village, not just in a multi-million dollar lab.
Yes we are attempting something that has not been done before. Evidence shows that local coral restoration projects, where communities reap the benefits of a healthy reef, have the best chance of success.
As we explore and learn, both the coral reefs and the business models will become stronger and more resilient. Moving forward is our only option. Join us as we take these important steps.