There is simply no way to look at a coral to determine if its a strong, heat-resistant specimen. It must be lab-tested for those qualities. Consider this to be the next generation of Reef Renewal and Regeneration 2.0
The proposed goal of The Coral Champions Indonesia project is to develop and implement a variety of business models for people at the village level to do smart coral gardening. They will learn the signs of a healthy reef vs. one that is suffering from both climate and local human impacts. They will learn how to sample and test the corals in shore labs.
The Coral Champions Indonesia will then help maintain the reef with transplants from their heat-resistant coral nurseries and work to mitigate the human impact elements of local runoff, trash, over-fishing and direct human damage to the reef. This nurturing will help the reef become more resilient and give it a chance to fight off the effects of climate change.